I wrote this tiny reflection from a writing prompt at our SFTS "Writing Colony" meeting.... I found the opportunity to write that evening incredibly therapeutic. I did not know what I would write, except that I was given this photo that touched something very deep within--- A woman was in between two walls.... At first thought, I thought I knew what I was writing about... But then I realize that something more profound was twinged. This is what I wrote:
Sometimes this is me, sandwiching myself between two abstractions-- the bridge--- sometimes I am there for important reasons- redemptive reasons, positive reasons, reasons traditionally worth writing about or, at the very least, celebrating. But, other times, sometimes, at these times the abstractions become paralyzing firm towers that resist, quantifiably and definitionally, moving. Then, although I tend to be a bridge, instead I feel like some hard piece of steel that lacks ligament and lightness. Then, I am trapped by perspective; perspectively-speaking. Then I look at the photo once more and realize that what I am seeing is not only, in fact, as I see it. If I take one or two steps back or forward, I am no longer in bondage. But how to meet the place where boundaries are to be blurred and still maintain some solidity and yet refuse to become dogmatic categories that prove mathematical equations but will never figure in anyone's life?
How do I allow myself to step into the natural flow of life that is both black and white and gray at the same time and live graciously with this discovery? I am something of a life explorer and something my pondering gets me in trouble; but, although thinking deeply is risking business, the refusal NOT to do it at all is even riskier. And so you might not ever agree with me, and I may never agree with you-- or more, correctly stated: They may never agree with "them" and "them" with "them" likewise-- But why feel brutalized by these senseless demands: The thems squared, whether in fact algebraically the same or not, are simply and complicatedly people. And so are you. And perhaps it is time to spend some time celebrating and pondering what this person thinks!