The Chinese Character for LOVE...
Watching the television news or even reading the internet posts following this Holiday season, one can feel particularly inadequate or frenzied: Want to hear the best "wedding proposal" stories of 2008, want to figure out how to shave off those last 15lbs?, know what the new Winter Red Is (Yes, I just completely made up that color... ;) ).... Hmmm--- All this to say, with the advent of all these messages about what should or should not be my resolution this New Years, I think I am going to stick with a simple one: Be Loving. Simple but incredibly Hard. How does one know what is the most loving thing to do? Does being loving intimate that one will find love? How is love given freely? Good questions. I don't have answers. But somehow, one thing I do know: It's a gesture of more restfulness. LOVE. Hope this post fills you with a bit of it. ;)