Ever since I wrote my undergraduate thesis on Kathleen Norris & Annie Dillard, I have been contemplating their spiritual investigations in light of the calculus theories behind Riemann sums-- I know, pretty nerdy for someone who does even claim to be good at Math! ;) Anyway, I am truly excited, because I am almost finished with Norris's latest book, "Acedia & Me," and she herself mentions Riemann!-- I figured I would share my joy with the Facebook world, most notably my housemates! :)
In Norris' words: "Late one night as we were conversing about such matters at our kitchen table, it occurred to me that what David called 'big numbers' and I called 'angels' might well be the same thing: after following our different paths to get there, we might come around on the circle and meet in the place Keats glimpsed when he equated truth with beauty. David was delighted. I think he would love a simile that seems fitting for our marriage: it was like the differential equations the mathematician Bernhard Riemann insisted he had not invented; he had found them in the universe, where God had hidden them." Kathleen Norris, "Acedia & Me," 255.
-- Hmmmm, this gives me even more to think about concerning my definition of the Gospel-homework....