“My hope is that the description of God’s love in my life will give you the freedom and the courage to discover . . . God’s love in yours."
- Henri Nouwen, Here and Now

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


One of the hardest things for me, not to do, is to be empathic... And yet I feel like I have been giving myself a bit of a break-- and that there is always more that I could be empathic about (in the right circumstances).... And yet, in order to enter this wide and new realm, I feel that I need some great canvas of compassion to wrap around me--- I need a safe space to land, where I can say whatever is on my mind... and heart... and soul. And yet, the time to make excuses or to bargain is over... and sometimes it is simply about plunging and diving into this new space. God, teach me to continue to learn. I have been on many mountaintops and valley-places, and in many ways I have found a settled rest-- But encourage me to continue digging, to delve into something new, and see if in my delving I discover the delicacy of home....