“My hope is that the description of God’s love in my life will give you the freedom and the courage to discover . . . God’s love in yours."
- Henri Nouwen, Here and Now

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Today, I have found myself thinking a number of things: First and foremost about technology... As I have been enjoying my slumber-filled time at home, I have seen how much energy I have used "poking" around Facebook.... It has been truly wonderful, really-- getting to catch up with folks, even if only through the streams of the internet, and seeing what is new-- and yet, too, there is something unfortunate about how much of life can be spent near a computer.... Where is the present moment--- as we busily text message, change our status, and chat... I am certainly not poo-pooing technology. I love it as much as I loathe it-- and my family will be the first to say that I also utilize it-- :) and yet, I sometimes feel bombarded with that wonderful hopefulness I use to feel when I would check the mailbox and see if I had a letter-- But that was confined to one moment of one day... Now, I can hope for such moments at all times... and yet, at the same measure, with such hope comes equally dissatisfaction..... All of these reinforces for me the unique gift of the present moment... and so instead of constantly checking my e-mail, I have been switching to other avenues: listening to Taize podcasts, Bach's cello suites, and the latest Vienna Teng song.... This has been more blissful.

2. Joyce Carol Oates writes: "Although we 'know' better, we tend to 'feel' symbolically."